Monday, September 2, 2013

School days are here again!

Well, for my first post, I figured I would do it in honor of school going back for some of us.  Yes, in some places, school has already begun.  Where I am, school stars tomorrow and many parents are jumping for joy and looking forward to their beloved children, no longer being bored constantly!  [QE] thankfully had a fantastic outfit that fit this mood perfectly, though it is called Spring break, it still looks like a cute little school uniform.

**A little side note here:  I always use the iBoobs since they are able to wear any of the appliers and I love the way these look on my av, compared to others that just didn't seem to sit right on me.**

Helpful links,
[QE] - Spring break (Oatmeal color)
Exposeur poses
Katink background and studio

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